We have been travelling and photographing together for many years now and what started as a passion is now a way of living. Photographs are our personal, visual statements about the world: people and places.

When we travel, we photograph a variety of subjects in an effort to document and provide social commentary, both of which are for us the most engaging objectives.

It is not easy to comment on our own work but what is common in our expression is perhaps the search for beauty contained in real life. We often choose colour but our sense of aesthetics is attracted to traditional black & white photo essays.

Enough of words – let the images speak! We hope you enjoy their message. 

L  E  S    &    D  O  R  O  T  A    2  0  1  0



’In deciding how the picture should look, in preferring one exposure to another,
photographers are always imposing standards on their subjects. 
Although there is a sense in which the camera does indeed capture reality, not just interpret it,
photographs are as much an interpretation of the world as paintings and drawings are’

S  U  S  A  N    S  O  N  T  A  G    1  9  7  7

B L O G   D E T A I L S